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Mindfulness Practices for Principals and School Administrators: Lessen Stress and Improve Your Well-Being
Mindful Planning: Setting Goals for Classroom Success in 2024

Mindful Planning: Setting Goals for Classroom Success in 2024

The month of January brings with it a natural inclination for reflection and renewal. Although most K-12 educators are at the halfway way point for the academic year, that doesn’t mean that you can’t start 2024 off with renewed goals and resolutions.

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Classroom Set-Up Ideas: How Do You Create a Peaceful Classroom Environment?

Classroom Set-Up Ideas: How Do You Create a Peaceful Classroom Environment?

Whether you’re setting up a new classroom as a first-time teacher or if you’ve been in the same space for decades, classroom set-up is an important part of every teacher’s life. As an educator, you get to decide what you want your classroom to be...

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